TOY MAKERS SAID “TÜYAP” The toy industry is now scheduled to meet at TÜYAP

Tüyap Fair and Congress Center became the new home for the Istanbul Toy Fair, one of the largest trade shows in the world and the only large-scale event of the industry in Turkey. 
Starting this year, TÜYAP will host the largest event of Turkey and one of the top trade shows in the world. TÜYAP Fairs and Fair Services Inc. and Turkey Toy Association (OYDER) signed a partnership agreement to hold the Istanbul Toy Fair at the Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between March 22nd and 25th, 2018.

As the only private fair organizer operating its own venues in Turkey, TÜYAP partnered with OYDER for an event covering 2 halls, bringing together 100 exhibitors and representatives and aiming to host 10.000 professional visitors.

The partnership with Tüyap will also help the Istanbul Toy Fair attract more international exhibitors. Tüyap will leverage its 6 overseas offices and network of representatives covering 26 countries to attract world-class buyers from Europe, Near East, Russia, Middle East, Africa, and Central Asian Republics.

Announcing the partnership between OYDER, the largest organization in the toy industry, and TÜYAP , the largest company in the Turkish fair organization industry, Assistant General Manager of TÜYAP Fairs and Fair Services Inc.  Yeşim Ulusoy, said that they were excited to be holding the Istanbul Toy Fair in the right place at the right time. Ulusoy also said that the future of the fair will be bright with the premium services and targeted marketing activities that the industry required.

OYDER Board of Directors Chair Yakup Kireçci remarked that the partnership between TÜYAP and OYDER would be a great boost to the Istanbul Toy Fair, and said that they especially expected an increase in foreign professional visitors for the event to be held in March.